Stunning Photos as One of the Susquehanna River Twin Eaglets Takes First Flight
It's hard to believe it's been about four months since our Wildlife Photographer,
William Straite, first shared pictures of the Susquehanna River Eaglet twins. Over the course of time, we have watched them grow from fuzz balls learning how to flap their wings and gain balance to feed ing themselves. And now one of them has taken their first flight from the nest.
William and a friend hit their watch post at about 7 in the morning just as the sun was hitting the nest. Knowing it was near time for the eaglets to start testing their wings, they decide to name them Eeek and Meek. Even though they were twins, from day one there was a decided leader among the pair.
Eeek is clearly the Alpha Eaglet who always eats first and the most, takes up most of the nest, is always flapping it's wings, and always acts like it's on a caffeine high. Meek on the other hand is smaller, always hangs back to eat, and is generally so laid back.
Upon William's arrival Eeek was already out of the nest and huddled on a branch about 10 -15 feet below the nest, Meek was in the nest looking over and occasionally flapping and squawking. It became apparent the aggressive attitude had put Eeek in danger, the bird "kept looking up at the nest, other branches, and occasionally would call out to Meek." When Mom appeared in the nest with food, Eeek's frustration grew at now missing a meal. The next 4.5 hours were probably the longest and most difficult of Eeek's short life.
What started to become more and more apparent was that Eeek was stranded 10-15 below the nest and either he was unsure how to, or was physically unable to, but he was not going to get back in that nest.
What happened next William calls nothing short of amazing. Eeek while starring at the branch above him, spread his winds, fell forward, and jumped but instead of landing on the branch, he kept flapping his wings. While it was rough at first, the bird became more graceful and head for a line of nearby pine trees.
our second surprise, Eeek merely flew higher and right past the entire line of trees. We stood there in utter shock with horrific lighting as we watched Eeek fly off into the horizon until he completely disappeared... finally, finally, we witnessed an Eaglets very first flight... AWESOME..
Check out William's entire collection of stunning photos of the Eaglet twins born near the Susquehanna River below. From Eeek's first flight all the way back to the beginning when they were just 3-weeks-old.
Eaglet Born on Susquehanna River Takes First Flight
Eaglets Born on Susquehanna River Preparing to Take Flight
Susquehanna Eaglets Learn to Feed Themselves
Three Week Old Eaglets Born Near Susquehanna River