Snowmobiler Breaks Through Frozen Lake; DEC Offers Winter Rescue Training
It's been a great season so far for snowmobilers hitting the trails. But with more people breaking out their sleds comes the increased chance for accidents on the trails. There have already been a handful of accidents so far this year compared to winters past.
Whenever an incident occurs, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) Forest Rangers are there to respond. They work hand-in-hand with state agencies, local emergency response teams, and volunteer search and rescue groups.
Last year alone, DEC Forest Rangers were involved in 426 search and rescue missions. Unfortunately, some of these incidents have resulted in injuries, property damage, and even death. These accidents happen every week, even in your neck of the woods.
Hamilton County - Town of Long Lake
The Long Lake Fire Department requested Forest Ranger help on February 9th after two snowmobiles broke through the south end of the lake. Firefighters rescued one person from the lake and career EMT's passing by from Gates were able to help the other snowmobiler.
Hamilton County - Town of Inlet
Forest Rangers Miller and Temple came across a snowmobile accident Saturday morning on February 12th while on the Moose River Plains Complex. The snowmobile was damaged and abandoned from the night before. Through help with Ray Brook Dispatch, the Rangers determined the owner to be from a man from New Jersey. The man was located uninjured and issued a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident and having an unregistered snowmobile.
To better execute these missions when they occur, the DEC Forest Rangers have been holding training sessions this week for local emergency responders.
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