Snow Ambush Hits Hard in Albany
I had a fantastic weekend.

I won't get into all the details now, but i had my favorite pizza, good times with friends, and spectacular weather.
Before I took off for my trip, I checked the weather. There was to be rain on Friday but that was it. I would be coming home Sunday to more frigid temperatures, but none of the white stuff.
On Saturday, I stepped outside to a sunny day and 50 degrees. There was no snow on the ground and I felt great. Sunday morning was definitely colder but as I passed through Springfield Massachusetts, the sky was still nice and clear.
Indeed my ride was going smoothly across the Mass Pike, and then to the New York Thruway. Sure, the wind was beginning to pickup and get a bit more unpleasant, but it was still clear travels.
And then, I hit Albany.
Before I knew it, whit-out conditions took over. The wind was pushing the snow and it was coming down hard. This was not what I was expecting for my journey's end..
And it continued.
It was on and off for the next hour and a half. I noticed at this point my Waze App was directing me around Exit 32 for this accident, though I didn't know it at the time.
Things did not get better in Utica.
Ultimately I made it home, a little colder and soggier than expected. It is just a reminder to me that I haven't figured out everything about my new home yet.