Reddit Slams ‘Controlling Father’ for Demanding His Daughter’s Blog Password
In Reddit's Am I The A--hole forum, a father posted a story involving his 15-year-old daughter and her film blog.
He said the daughter runs a film review blog that does pretty well, and he himself blogs about life and religion.
"My wife and I make it a note to be very open with our children about all our passwords," he said, noting that they share all of their passwords with the family for "just in case" moments.
He also pointed out that his daughter has the password to his blog.
He shared, "I asked my daughter if I could have her blog's password one day so I could log in to see her stats (I was curious) and she said she was not 'comfortable' giving me her password."
The man then "got angry" and said that his daughter's choice was "disrespectful" since he and his wife share all of their passwords with the children willingly.
He added, "I told her if she is not 'comfortable' giving me her password then she doesn't need to be using our computers or our WiFi."
The daughter then relinquished the password after all.
Many of the comments on the thread agreed that the father was in the wrong in the situation, writing, "YTA [You're The A--hole]."
"You're being unnecessarily nosy, and the fact that you had to resort to threatening her to force her to give you her password says a lot about you," one person said.
Another person noted the lack of privacy, writing, "You are teaching your child that she has no right to privacy and that only people who have things to hide want to keep things private or just for themselves."
Others accused the man of wanting access to his daughter's blog out of jealousy.
"It seems evident that you want to use her traffic to promote your own blog and sell books," one person said.
"Jealous of your child's success is a terrible look," another added.
"Let's be honest: this isn't about the password. This is about control," someone else pointed out. "Because if you REALLY cared about the stars, you could have asked her to share those, to pull them up and show you. She probably would have."
Another commenter agreed, saying, "It'd be one thing if you were concerned for her safety. But you're just being nosy and controlling here."
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