‘Precious Preemie Fashion Show’ in Whitesboro Next Month
March of Dimes is presenting a fashion show at The Harts Hill Inn in Whitesboro next month to celebrate the lives and honor the memories of babies born prematurely.
On Sunday, March 12th from 10:30-1:00, you can enjoy a day filled with food, fashion, and even superheroes! This event is to showcase Central New York's success stories of children who survived being born prematurely. The 'Precious Preemie Fashion Show' will help raise awareness and send a message of hope for these babies.
The March of Dimes is a leading national effort to save premature babies with top-level research and programs to find the causes of these premature births and prevent future ones. They're letting these babies and kids put on their favorite super hero costume and strut their stuff on stage.
Registration will begin at 10:30 at the Harts Hill Inn in Whitesboro, brunch will be at 11:00, and the fashion show will begin at noon. The cost is just $12.50 for adults, $7.50 for kids 4-10, and children under 3 are free! They're looking for kids of all ages to walk the stage, so if your child is interested, call Laurie Farrell at (315) 679 5037.
For more information about this, you can visit marchofdimes.com/ny, nacersano.org for Spanish, or the event page on Facebook.