Olive Garden Giving Away 4 Free Desserts for Leap Year Birthdays
Here are the facts: There's a February 29th in 2020, which means it's a Leap Year. If your birthday falls on February 29th, you need to get to Olive Garden on Saturday.
If you're a Leap Year baby (or "leaper," "leapling," or "leapster," as they're called) Olive Garden has your back. About 200,000 people in the U.S. were born in a Leap Year, and the restaurant chain--with Central New York locations in New Hartford and the Syracuse area in both DeWitt and Clay--wants to make for sure each person born on Leap Day gets their just desserts this year. Literally.
Leap Year folks dining at Olive Garden on Saturday will receive four free Dolicini desserts as a "make-good" for four years' worth of celebrations you might've missed. Olive Gardens are also offering take-home entrees to all guests for just $2.29 in honor of Leap Day.
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