November Long-Range Weather Predictions
Now that we're into November, what kind of weather we will get this month in central New York? Let's take a look.
Here are the long-range weather predictions for our region of central New York, according to one of my favorite sources,"The Old Farmer's Almanac 2014":
"NOVEMBER 2014: temperature 38° (3° below avg.); precipitation 3.5" (avg. east, 2" above west); Nov 1-5: Showers, mild; Nov 6-9: Snow showers, cold; Nov 10-14: Rain, then snow showers, cold; Nov 15-20: Sunny, mild; Nov 21-30: Snowy periods, cold."
So, looks like Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014 we may be going "Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house" in snow.
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