You May Want to Avoid This New York Road – It’s the Deadliest in the State
Next time you're traveling through New York, you may want to avoid this one road.
It's not the New York State Thruway. Granted, the thruway sees some pretty bad accidents, it's still not the worst in our state. And if you're driving in Central New York you won't have to worry about the deadliest roadway - BUT if you are traveling through the state you may come across it.
And no, it's not a roadway in New York City. It could however, take you towards the city (so again, you may want to take a different road if you're heading that way).
The road we're talking about is Taconic State Parkway. This 104 miles of roadway runs from just southeast of Albany down through Columbia, Dutchess, Putnam, and Westchester Counties, towards New York City. It's one of main roads New York City residents will use to head into Upstate New York.
The deadliest accident that occurred on the Taconic State Parkway happened back in 2009 (you may remember hearing about this one). According to Only In Your State,
A woman driving a minivan down the wrong side of the highway for nearly two miles eventually struck an SUV, resulting in the deaths of eight people.
Not only is the crowded roadway to blame for many accidents, but the road winds and weaves and at points, is just a narrow two-lane highway. Add in a little bit of snow, freezing rain, or fog and you get a bad situation just waiting to happen. This is especially true for out-of-towners who aren't familiar with the road (and don't know where any of curves are, or where the road gets narrow).
If you search "Taconic State Parkway" in Google Images you'll see some of the accident pictures (we suggest you don't though, some are pretty bad). According to Only In Your State,
During a three year period that lasted up to July 31, 2014, 2,080 crashes took place on the parkway...
...Reports from 2015 claim that our state troopers had issued nearly 54,000 tickets to people traveling along the parkway in the last seven years...
That's a lot of accidents and that's a lot of tickets! Maybe the next time your GPS tells you to take the Taconic State Parkway, you should reroute it and take a safer course to your destination. Just a suggestion.