New York State Woman Hospitalized After Falling Asleep With Lit Cigarette in Hand
Put out your smokes before you snooze. A New York state woman who was reportedly smoking in bed suffered injuries after falling asleep with the lit cigarette still in hand.
The resulting fire lead to two floors being evacuated in the apartment building where she lived, though no one else was hurt and the fire was contained. Officials say the woman was airlifted to a nearby hospital in serious condition.
CBS says the blaze happened Wednesday night when the mattress the Saratoga Springs woman was sleeping on caught fire from the cigarette she was holding. The housing authority’s Executive Director told CBS that some smoke had filtered into the hallways, so two floors were also evacuated. He goes on to say though that the only damage was to the mattress that she was lying on.
Other Weird News in New York
It's always a task having to go through and clean out the belongings of a recently deceased family member. Aside from being a lot of effort, it can bring back quite a bit of emotion. But whoever it was who was cleaning out the basement of a 98-year-old woman was in for a shock. Luckily, in this case, it wasn't a boom.
NBC says that ten hand grenades were found in a basement of a woman who passed away in March. No one is sure how the grenades got there. Perhaps they were already in the basement when a previous owner may have lived there, and the elderly woman had no idea there were grenades in her basement. Maybe the 98-year-old Brooklyn woman needed these explosives for her own personal use, though that is highly unlikely.
Police say that the NYPD bomb squad responded to the scene Monday morning and that the ten grenades were inert. NBC says the woman died in March, though the NY Post says that officials said she died in March of 2021.

Cookie Jar Shut Down Times Square
Reports of old grenades lying around in storage or other secluded areas aren't necessarily unusual. But sometimes they're not grenades. A suspicious package on a bench shut down parts of Times Square in August 2021, according to FOX 5. However, what police found at the location was nothing of the explosive variety. Perhaps terms such as crumbly or chewy would be a better description in this case.
FOX says they received a call about a suspicious package on a bench around Noon Thursday. The investigation was around 7th Avenue and West 47th Street, according to officials. Law enforcement took to social media to warn the public to avoid the surrounding area. Around an hour later, it was determined the so-called package was just a red cookie jar that was chillin' all alone on the beach. Officials did not indicate if the jar had any actual cookies in them, or perhaps if someone ate all the cookies and then got up and left.