New York State DMV Will Replace Your Peeling License Plate for Free
You've got a choice: Get pulled over by the cops and pay a fine OR be proactive and avoid a ticket by allowing the great state of New York to pay FOR you.
We're talking about your peeling license plates. They're a problem. Unfortunately, they're YOUR problem. But, good news: there IS help. You're not in this alone. The Empire State is waiting to help out. But you have to make the first move. Otherwise, the Department of Motor Vehicles says you can be ticketed for having illegible plates.
According to a DMV official, these poorly produced plates are being monitored very carefully as it is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Further more, said DMV official also made it clear that no vehicle owner will have to shell out cash for new plates if they indeed are peeling.
Straight from the DMV:
As a courtesy to our customers, there is no charge for replacing peeling plates, however, customers must pay a statutory $20 fee if they want to keep their existing plate number. While plates are more likely to be subject to peeling as they age, the number of returned plates is minimal compared to the nearly 14 million New York plates on the road. In addition, the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, which contracts with vendors to produce license plates, continues to monitor for production issues and implements changes when appropriate.
So, go take care of your peeling plates. New York State can pay now or YOU can pay THEM later.