New Research Shows Most Sunblocks Don’t Work, Is Yours One of Them?
Although Summer doesn't officially begin until June 21st, the Summer temperatures are here and sticking around. With that it's important to protect yourself from the sun. When choosing your sunblock, it's important to make sure you're using the right ones!
CNY Central first reported the story showing that 80% of sunblocks may not even work! This information was gathered from research done by The Environmental Working Group. Each year they come out with their "Guide to Sunscreens." In it they talk all about keeping your skin safe with "Sunscreen 101." Included in this are the best and worst sunblocks, best beach and sport sunblocks, and the best moisturizers containing SPF.
The whole report is worth reading, but I want to give you the list of the 12 Worst Sunscreen Lotions to use.
Banana Boat Sport Performance Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 100
Coppertone Sport High Performance Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 100
Coppertone Sport High Performance Sunscreen, SPF 75
Coppertone Sport Sunscreen Stick, SPF 55
Coppertone Ultra Guard Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 70+
CVS Sport Sunstick Sunscreen, SPF 55
CVS Sun Lotion Sunscreen, SPF 100
CVS Sun Lotion Sunscreen, SPF 70
Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Daily Liquid Sunscreen, SPF 70
NO-AD Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 60
NO-AD Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 85
Ocean Potion Protect & Nourish Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 70
Some of the other categories include worst sunscreens for Kids, worst spray-on sunscreens, and an explanation as to why they are so bad. Keep you and your family safe by getting all the information you need. Check out the 2015 Sunscreen Report on the EWG Website.