Do You Need a Motorcycle Helmet in New York State?
The weather is getting warmer and that means more and more motorcycles are going to be on the road.
There's something awesome about riding a motorcycle. It's exhilarating. This might sound cliché but it really does bring a great feeling of freedom. A lot of people would agree because as of 2019, there are about 8 million motorcycles registered in the United States. Just over 300,000 of those vehicles were registered in New York. It looks like these numbers are continuing to grow. Those statistics are from The Motorcycle Legal Foundation.
As fun as riding can be, it does have its dangers. Sadly, it was also reported that in 2019, almost 30% of those accidents were fatal. Almost 60% of those deaths were in states that didn't have a universal helmet law. It's quite possible that many of those fatalities could have been preventable.
I've seen people out on their motorcycles joyriding without a helmet. What's the law in New York State? The law is pretty cut and dry. It's foolish to not wear a helmet when riding on a motorcycle but it's also illegal in New York State.
According to NewYork.gov, our state law requires both motorcycle riders and passengers to wear helmets. Not only do you need to wear a helmet, but you also need to wear protective eyewear as well. This law also requires you to wear this protective gear on a moped too or any bike that reaches a speed of 20 mph.
Head injuries are the leading cause of fatalities when it comes to motorcycle accidents. Please ride responsibly.