The Most Under Appreciated Employees In New York
Every day there are people in our world that show up, do their job, and go home and never get a thank you for all they do.
While most of us never think about these people outside our quick interaction with them we wanted to give them a special shoutout and say thank you for all they do each and every day.

Nurses - We found out over the past two years that nurses are hard-working professionals who are on the frontline and care about the people in their community.
Retail/Grocery Store Employees - How often do go to a store, get something you want right off the shelf and head home happy? The reason you can do that is the thousand of workers are area stores.
Administrative Assistant - You may or may not know that most business deals get done because of the hard work of Admin assistants. They get the paperwork ready, set up meetings, and make sure the decision-makers are prepared to make a decision.
Teachers - Teachers may spend more time with your children than you do and have a huge influence on them. They work hard during the school year and teach more than just what is in schoolbooks.
Waiter/Waitresses - Anyone who deals with people directly face to face needs praise, but dealing with hungry people is a must different animal.