This is the Most Popular Halloween Costume for Utica, New York
If you think it's Harley Quinn, you're wrong.
Although dressing up as Harley Quinn for Halloween is the most popular idea across the United States, it's actually not the most popular choice for people in Utica and the surrounding area.
Frightgeist has done quite a deep search to find the most popular costumes across the country. According to their website,
...Pulling from the top 500 costume searches in the United States, Frightgeist uses Google Trends to tell you what’s trending at a costume party near you and help you find a costume that’s sure to turn heads...
So based on costume searches and Google Trends in the Utica area, the most popular costume this year is...
A dalmatian?!
Yep - a dalmatian costume leads the searches in our area. Maybe people in Central New York just want to be unique this year?
Here are the Top 5 costume searches (in our area), according to Frightgeist:
1. Dalmatian
2. Superhero
3. Halo
4. Beetlejuice
5. Werewolf
Yeah, we're going to say Utica is a very unique area and that's why we have very unique costume searches. That's the only way we can explain it.
As for other parts of New York - Albany's most popular costume search this year is Harley Quinn. Rochester, Buffalo, and New York City are also Harley Quinn. Binghamton's most popular costume search is Batman, and somehow Watertown wanted to be just as unique as Utica, with their popular search being a unicorn.
You can see the full map of what each area around the country is searching for, when it comes to Halloween Costumes here.