July Is National Ice Cream Month
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day.
Whats the scoop on how people feel about ice cream? Here is what a Harris Poll of close to 2500 Americans found out.
- More women then men admit to eating ice cream in bed.
- Men are more likely to eat ice cream straight from the container; both men and women enjoy sharing a single container with a loved one... even a pet.
- One in seven people wait until they're alone to stuff their faces with ice cream.
- 8% take out the chunky bits of candy and nuts before they eat ice cream.
- 29% admit to taking one extra serving of ice cream when no one's looking.
- 13% of women aged 18 to 34 keep a "secret stash" of ice cream.
- 3% enjoy eating ice cream in the bathtub.
- 10% said they eat bowls of ice cream for breakfast.
- 26% substitute ice cream for an actual meal.