Jeopardy! Had A Question About Central New York And Nobody Got It
Did you catch a somewhat recent episode of Jeopardy! that featured a question about something in Central New York?
While this may not be the first time Central New York has gotten a little love on one of America's most popular game shows, it is always cool to see a trivia question about our region. While this question might be an absolute no-brainer to you, if you weren't from this area, it definitely would be tricky.
It is fairly obvious that when the three contestants last night were studying for the show, they forgot sports-related questions can come up from time to time. In this case, it was about the beloved Syracuse Orange. So here is what the question was, the category was sports venue nicknames. You probably see where this is going.
Nicknamed "The Loud House", the Carrier Dome is the stadium for what university in New York State
Not a single soul chimed in. For many people who casually watch Jeopardy! in Central New York, they were probably happy to get an answer. After the buzzer went off guest host Mayim Bialik said "What is Syracuse University".
Another thing that maybe should have given it away was the fact that not just did the question mention the well-known nickname, but it also mentioned the name of a, yet again, very well-known stadium. Even the trivia juggernaut and current champion Matt Amadio didn't fair to well with that question.
Can you recall some of the other times Jeopardy! had a Central New York mention on the show? Keep scrolling and see if you can get these eight questions about the area correct.
Check Out These 8 Questions About CNY That Have Been On Jeopardy!
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