2012 Playmate of the Year Jaclyn Swedberg — Playboy Girl of the Week
If beauty and charm had a name it’d surely be Jaclyn Swedberg. Having just been announced the 2012 Playboy Playmate of The Year in early May, the beautiful 22-year-old still seems to be innocently elated. Last April she was graced with the title of Miss April 2011 and since then has had an incredibly successful, not to mention fun, career at Playboy.
One might find it surprising to discover that Playboy was and is the first place she has ever modeled. Take one look at her photos and you’ll undoubtedly see a person who not only seems as if having confidence of an experienced professional having done it for years but also one who is more than happy to be where life has taken her.
You were recently announced the 2012 Playboy Playmate of the Year. First of all, congratulations, that’s fantastic.
Thank you very much.
When did you actually get the news?
A little over a week and a half ago, so it’s still very crazy.
You’re still feeling the shock?
Oh yeah! It’s still so surreal every time I hear it. It’s like ‘is this really happening?’
And how did you hear? Did Hef invite you over to the mansion for coffee?
[laughs] Initially, it was a phone call. Before shooting and everything they said, ‘Hef has chosen you for this.’ Then there was some process after that but I didn’t allow myself to make it feel real until I had it in my hands. So when I got the issue in my hands I was like, “Okay, now I can celebrate.”
That’s a good strategy. Was this the dream since starting?
It was. I kind of started at Playboy on a whim. I figured let me try this out and see what happens and where I go. After I started working for them becoming a playmate was a very abrupt thing. I didn’t think it was real at first, but it eventually sunk it. And now becoming playmate of the year, it’s a dream come true.
How did you get started in Playboy and modeling in general?
Playboy was the first thing I had ever done actually. I had been thinking about it for a little bit though. My mom and I were talking one morning and she said to do it. My family is super supportive. So I signed up online for a casting call and here I am now.
Wow. What a great start. So it sounds like your family and friends are really backing you.
Oh yeah! They are 110% supportive. It definitely wouldn’t be the same experience that I’m having if they weren’t behind me they way they are.
Have any past friends or boyfriends been contacting you?
[laughs] Yes. I have so many numbers showing up of people saying congratulations and I don’t really know the number. I don’t want to be rude so I’m like “thank you!”
I’m always curious about that. When people make it they seem to get contacted by people they haven’t spoken to in years or even knew about. I imagine it’s similar for you.
Exactly. It’s very similar.
Someone at Playboy was nice enough to give me your issue. I was reading the article and it said that since starting there you’ve changed a lot as a person.
JS: I have definitely.
How has the experience changed you?
I was a little shy growing up, really shy actually. Playboy forced me come out of my shell a little bit. When you make a commitment to this you have to be outward and very sociable. It’s sort of been a crash course in not having any of those inhibitions.
Has it given you opportunities that you might not have had otherwise?
Oh absolutely. Every day is a new adventure. I get calls saying ‘hey, can you go to Brazil in two days? Can you to go this, can you talk to this person?’ The things I get to do, I have no complaints. It’s a great job.
Are those mostly photo shoots?
Photo shoots, trips or parties; things like that. Mainly I work a lot of events so it’s me in my bunny costume usually. Those are the most fun. They’re places you can’t be shy because you are out, you are talking to people and representing the brand. You really have to put forth a certain image.
Speaking of the bunny costume, in the article you did mention that were you to be given the title you’d wear the outfit to all of the events.
[laughs] Yes, I do get to wear it. I haven’t worn it all the time but I do get to wear it a lot.
What has been the most exciting aspect of it all?
The whole thing has been great, but I think the most exciting to date is probably the first time I got to see the cover and the first time I got to see my issue. It was mind blowing. Every time I see it out in public it’s that feeling all over again. Also, the trips I’ve been able to take and the places I’ve been able to go. Every day I don’t know what phone call I’ll get. I like that type of spontaneity.
Is there a favorite place you’ve been asked to go?
Yes! I got to go to Brazil, to Rio during Carnival.
Wow, that’s very cool.
I know! We were there for two days. It was so great. It’s the most amazing place I’ve ever seen.
So with all of the time taken up by the trips, photo shoots and events what do you do to relax?
I love to read. I also bake. Usually, if I’ve had a really long day I like to bake.
Baking? What do you like to bake?
I love cookies and cupcakes!
What do you read?
I’m a big true crime and horror fan. I love scary books. Also horror movies.
It sounds like there’s really no downside to being the Playmate of the Year.
[laughs] You know, there’s not. Nothing is negative. Everyone close to me is very supportive so that helps. Though I don’t get much sleep recently. [laughs] But I’m thankful for that. There’s nothing I can complain about. I’m very fortunate.