Where Do New York Cities Rank for Farm Themed Weddings
So it is no secret that I have tied the knot a few times. Sometimes it takes a few tries to find that forever person. I can say this though, I am still friends with all the guys I married officially and unofficially, and I am very proud of that fact. It could be because the weddings were pretty awesome.
Now that I have cleared that up the reason I mentioned it was because my first wedding was rather large and held at a horse farm. You might say that's not newsworthy but it was in 1991. Nowadays people get married at farms all the time but back in the 90s not so much. Farms, wineries, and even breweries are all popular locations for weddings these days.
Where Does New York Rank for Farm-Style Weddings
The wedding business today is very different than it was in the 90s. It has even changed a lot since my last wedding in 2007. Farm-style or more nontraditional settings are much more popular than they used to be. I love the level of creativity brides and grooms come up with these days.
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With that considered I was a bit shocked to find out that according to a recent survey cities around the Hudson Valley didn't fare well in a recent survey. A Love Lawn survey of "Best Cities For Barned-Themed Weddings" did not rank cities around our area very high for this type of venue.
According to their research, New York City was 12th, Rochester was 18th and Albany ranked 36th.
Why New York Cities Ranked Low for Farm-Themed Weddings
One of the reasons mentioned for our poor performance was the lack of venues. I could almost see that in New York City, not a lot of farms close by but for Albany, it seems there would be more. The survey did mention though that 5 New York Cities ranked high for good access to a venue and high demand.
Lambs Hill Wedding Venue in Beacon, New York
While looking for Farm-type venues to suggest to anyone looking to get married I discovered a wildly beautiful venue that would be easy for New York City brides and grooms to flock to from the Big Apple. Lambs Hill isn't quite your Farmed-themed venue but they do have an Equestrian Suite, two Icelandic horses, and two mini donkeys which all can be part of your big day.
They specialize in what is referred to as a micro wedding, with 48 guests or fewer. You can also book the venue to elope. Lambs Hill is a beautiful Estate tucked up on Mount Beacon just a quick train ride from New York City.
I could be wrong but I think this place is a well-kept secret I may have just let out of the bag. If I were having a small wedding it would be my spot for sure, the views are amazing.
SEE ALSO: Mount Beacon Had a Ski Slope

Lambs Hill Wedding Venue Beacon, New York
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn
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Gallery Credit: CJ