The World’s Most Iconic Landmark Is Right Here in New York
A world report claims this New York landmark is more recognizable than the Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal and Sydney Opera House.
What makes a landmark iconic?
The 7 world wonders are legendary structures that show the engineering and cultural marvels of ancient times.
To this day, experts are still trying to figure out exactly how the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually built!
Meanwhile, other landmarks become global phenomenons because they are mesmerizing natural wonders - like the Great Barrier Reef, which is large enough to be visibly recognized from outer space.
Identifying the Greatest Landmarks in the World
Every year, tourists across the globe make pilgrimages to see these unique spectacles for themselves. But which one not only attracts the most attention, but is the most recognizable in the world?
According to a new study by AllClear, it's right here in New York State.
So what from the Empire State is more iconic than the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu and the Moai Statues?
Read More: New York Home to One of the World's "Most Irish" Cities
After surveying thousands of world travelers and asking them to correctly identify a slew of iconic landmarks, almost 100% of them knew exactly who Lady Liberty was.
That's right, the most recognizable - and therefore the most iconic - is none other than the Statue of Liberty.
Why Is NY #1?
The study surveyed a pool of people from across the globe and showed them photos of the world's most famous sights.
Photos included the Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, and Big Ben in England.
Of all the participants, the majority instantly knew the Statue of Liberty. In fact, 99% of all respondents correctly identified the distinguished beacon.
AllClear noted that the Statue of Liberty has been wowing people since the 1800's and is now one of the most visited international landmarks in the world.
The landmark welcomes over 4 million visitors every year.
The Statue of Liberty also has an entirely unique silhouette and is easy to recognize thanks to her glorious crown and signature pose.
In second place was the Eiffel Tower with 97.5% of participants recognizing it, while the Taj Mahal came in 3rd with a 92.25% recognition rate.
The top 5 was respectively rounded out by the Colosseum, at 91.64% recognition, and The White House, which was identified by 90.4% of respondents.
New York City was also home to another top iconic landmark: The Empire State Building.
The once tallest building in the country was recognized by 76.41% of people worldwide.
It scored a higher recognition rate than the Trevi Fountain, Grand Canyon, and Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe. The three respectively came in 15th, 16th, and 20th place.
What do you think: Should a landmark earn the title of "most iconic" because it is the most easily recognized?
Let us know if you think something else is more deserving of the recognition.

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