How to File Taxes for Free in NY, And Get Quickest Refund
It doesn't get any better than free when it comes to the annual chore of filing your taxes.
(Read all the way through, to ensure you don't skip this one important step and wind up getting charged in the end).
The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance is reminding all New Yorkers - if you meet certain income qualifications, you can have your taxes done for free. And, that's for both state and federal taxes.
The state's Tax and Finance Department website includes links to three separate tax filing providers: OLT OnLine Taxes, TaxSlayer, and FreeTaxUSA. However, pay close attention to the income qualifications for each of the three providers, as they vary.
For instance, if your federal adjusted gross income was $41,000 or less in 2022, you would qualify for free filing services from both OLT Online Taxes and FreeTaxUSA. On the other hand, TaxSlayer will file both for free you are over the age of 57 and made $60,000 or less last year.
For all three services, you can have state and federal filed for free is you made up to $73,000 or less in 2022, and you served as Active Duty Military in 2022. That includes Reservists and National Guard.
If you plan to utilize the free services and qualify, be sure to visit the NYS Tax and Finance website to access the providers FREE software. State officials even noted in their announcement that visiting these sites directly may land you in the pay portal for each of the services. However, if you click the links provided here, you will be directed to each of the providers' completely free programs (for those who meet income guidelines noted above).
And, once you've filed your returns, state officials are also reminding New Yorkers that the fastest possibly way to receive a refund - if you are getting a refund this year - is to have your money direct deposited to your bank account. Those who request a paper check, will have to wait longer than those who utilize direct deposit.