Famous American author Stephen King is under fire for a taking shot at Utica, New York.

King compared the chaos in the U.S. Speakership to spending time in Central New York town on social media. He tweeted it was like winning a week in Utica, or second prize of TWO weeks in Utica.

Read More: 19 Other Utica's Not in New York

Firing Back

Local leaders and government officials fired back, standing up for the town that has seen progress over the last several years. Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente encouraged King to come and see how much Utica has grown for himself.

It's not just people who live in Utica speaking up either.

Why Utica

What's King's connection with Utica? He once admitted he's fascinated by the city and a specific business, although he never mentioned which one.

King even wrote about Utica in his book titled The Tommyknockers. Bobbi Anderson, an alien-possessed is a Utica native who actually spends some time there during the story.

It's rumored King comes to Utica when he needs inspiration. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Inspiration to write about something bad, like an alien-possessed man?

Outsiders may not see all the beautiful, growth, and delicious food Utica has to offer. Downtown is expanding with the addition of the Nexus Center and the new hospital. A number of restaurants offer local staples that are to die for like greens, riggies, and tomato pie. Utica is also home to the creation of the Halfmoon cookie. Others may call it a black and white. But a cookie by any other name is not the same.

The best part is the people. Sure there are criminals like in any other town, village, or city across the country. But Utica is home to strangers helping strangers and random acts of kindness every day. The city may be small but our hearts are big.

Top 7 Places To Get Gourmet Coffee Around Utica

National Gourmet Coffee day is January 18th. You can celebrate by getting your own cup of gourmet coffee from a local shop. Here's a list of the top rated coffee shops in Utica.

11 Cheap Or Free Things To Do In Utica

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