Stay Off the Roads! Travel Bans in Place Across New York State
A late-season winter storm is creating travel restrictions across New York and has the Governor calling a State of Emergency.
A Winter Storm Warning is in effect until Wednesday, March 14 in Central New York. If you don't have to travel you should stay home until the snow passes.
The New York State Thruway has issued a travel ban for all tandem and empty tractor-trailers until further notice.
Travel Restrictions
I-90 isn't the only highway with travel restrictions in place. The New York Department of Transportation has more.
I-81 PA Line to Syracuse: "Trucks Use Right Lane" advisory
Route 17 Middletown to Binghamton: "Trucks Use Right Lane" advisory
I-84: No tandem or empty tractor trailers
I-88: No tandem or empty tractor trailers
I-87 Albany To Plattsburgh: No tandem or empty tractor trailers
Check Road Conditions
You can check road conditions before you even leave the house if you have to travel. Get all the information and check out cameras along your route anywhere in New York, anytime at 511NY.org. You can even sign up to have travel alerts sent right to your phone.
If you do have to travel during a winter storm keep these driving tips in mind.
Driving Tips
- Check the latest weather forecast before leaving
- Keep a full tank of gas
- Check fluid levels (windshield washer fluid, ant-freeze)
- Have spare tire, jack, and wheel wrench
- Don't use cruise control. This decreases your reaction time to brake
- Be aware of maintenance vehicles and emergency vehicles. Don't crowd the plow
- If you do not absolutely have to go out on the roads, then don’t
Simple Winter Driving Tips Some Boneheads Forget Every Year
Vehicle Necessities
Make sure your vehicle is filled with winter necessities before heading out. Stock the truck to help you to be safe in case you get stranded.
- Gloves, blankets, warmers, tool kit, first-aid kit, non-perishable foods, water, working flashlight and batteries, cell phone charger, etc
- Shovel, ice scraper, de-icer, snow brush, rock salt or cat litter, tow chain or cable, jumper cables or battery charger, etc
If you do happen to drive off the road and get stuck in a snowbank or ditch, stay in your vehicle and call 911. DO NOT get out of your vehicle unless it is an absolute emergency. You put yourself at risk of being struck by another vehicle.
Roll your windows down a few inches or turn your vehicle off if you are stranded in snow for a period of time with your vehicle running. Covered mufflers can cause serious physical injury or death due to inhalation of carbon monoxide.