An Ilion hunter is lucky to be alive after a 9-hour search through the Upstate New York wilderness.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Forest Rangers were called in to help find a hunter who had mobility issues. An ATV was at a camp in the Pepperbox Wilderness in the Town of Webb but there was no hunter.

Forest Rangers started helping with the search at 9:19 PM on October 21. Six hours later the missing hunter's tracks were discovered. A three-hour trek led rescuers to a spruce swamp where the 62-year-old was found at 6:20 AM, 9 hours and one minute later.

The hunter suffered mild hypothermia in the cold temperatures and heavy rain. After warming up, the Rangers helped the hunter make his way back to his camp.

Second Missing Hunter

Another hunter went missing in Warren County.

Forest Rangers were called around 9 PM on October 18 for a hunter who was last seen five hours earlier at a hunting club in Stony Creek. They searched overnight and called in help at sunrise.

Nine Rangers joined the search and twelve hours after it began, the 58-year-old from Pleasant Valley hunter was discovered.

The hunter had gotten lost behind the club the evening prior, hiked along a drainage in the morning, and ended up approximately one mile from the road.

Hiking Tips

The NYS DEC provides hiking tips to keep you safe on the trails from what to wear to what to bring.

    • Dress in moisture-wicking synthetic fabrics that keep your skin dry and help regulate your body temperature in both cold and warm weather - avoid cotton that holds moisture.
    • Layer your clothing, even for summer hikes.
    • Be sure to wear waterproof, sturdy, and comfortable shoes or boots.
    • Wear or take a watch or other time-keeping device.
    • Consider using trekking poles to help reduce leg fatigue and joint pain.
    • Snowshoes and traction devices should be used in the winter.

Hiking Essentials

In addition to wearing the proper clothing and footwear, the DEC recommends taking these essentials with you at all times.

GPS system
Extra batteries
Waterproof/windproof jacket
Thermal undergarments (pack extra)
Wool socks (pack extra)
Goggles - Winter
Face mask - Winter
Signal mirror
Duct tape
Pocket knife/multi-tool, etc.
Bright colored cloth
Matches in a waterproof container
High-protein and high-calorie food
At least 2 liters of water per person
Space Blanket

Before hitting the trails be sure to plan out your trip - where you're going and when you'll return. Be sure to check out trail and weather conditions first and leave your trip plans with family or friends.

If you do happen to get lost or injured, stop, stay calm, and call 911 or the DEC Dispatch at 518-408-5850 or 518-891-0235 in the Adirondacks.

"Take a Hike!" Nine Upstate New York Hikes That Everybody Can Enjoy!

Taking a hike doesn't mean you have to punish yourself with a difficult hand over hand climb to some remote mountaintop. At least it doesn't mean that for this writer! Here are 9 hikes you can take which, for the most part, are more like an enjoyable "walk in the woods." And remember, the view from the top when you finally get there is always worth the trip!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

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