Hunter Moon Will Appear ‘Full’ For 3 Days In CNY
The October full Moon is the Hunters Moon. The saying goes "when the leaves are falling, and the deer are fat, it's time to hunt."
The first full Moon after the Harvest Moon is the Hunter’s Moon, always the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox. This moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise and is in the sky all night long. The Hunters Moon looks bigger and a brighter orange than your typical Moon, but the Farmers Almanac says it's just a “Moon Illusion.”
The “Hunter’s Moon” name was first used in 1710 in the Oxford English Dictionary. The Farmers Almanac says other, other names used as the Hunter’s Moon are:
- Dying Grass Moon
- Travel Moon
- Sanguine
- Blood Moon
For Harvesting
- Aboveground crops: 15, 16
- Belowground crops: 6, 7, 26
For Setting Eggs
- 17, 18, 26, 27
For Fishing
- 8–24
- 1–5, 19–31
- Corn planted under a waning Moon grows slower but yields larger ears.
- Babies born a day after the full Moon enjoy success and endurance.
- A new Moon in your dreams promises increased wealth or a happy marriage.
From the full Moon through November 3, we’ll experience the darkest mornings of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. See your sunrise, sunset, and day length times.
Sunday, November 4, brings Daylight Saving Time at 2 A.M. Before you go to bed Saturday night, “fall back” on hour, making the change to Standard Time.
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