How Your Green Porch Light Supports CNY Veterans
The Utica/Rome online acts of support for our veterans is severely lacking, but we can quickly change that.
The green porch lights you see at some houses are a symbol of support for our veterans in CNY and are part of the Greenlight A Vet program. Green is the color of hope, renewal, and well-being.
According to the online acts of support website, it looks like we don't care.
If you don't have a green porch light, then please get one, and if you already leave one on, then map it!
The Greenlight a Vet campaign started in 2016, and there are currently 9,314,846 homes showing online acts of support. You can post your green porch light here to show veterans across the country your support.
America’s veterans are some of our nation’s bravest, hardest-working men and women. However, it’s hard to show them the appreciation they deserve when, back home and out of uniform, they’re more camouflaged than ever. Greenlight A Vet is a campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green... change one light to green in a visible location on your porch, in your home, or at your office and keep it glowing every day as a symbol of appreciation and support for our veterans. Then, share your support by taking a picture of your green light and posting it using the hashtag #greenlightavet.
Many of us are already showing support by using a green porch light, all we need to do it map it, so it's represented in the CNY count.
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