I don't know how this weird Christmas tradition began, but I do know I started it - me. Every year at Christmas, my siblings, nieces, and nephews gather with my mom to celebrate the holiday and catch up on what we've all been up to over the past year. Except for maybe one or two because of inclement weather, none of us has missed this annual tradition, and that's saying a lot for a family to all be together these days.

Anyway, during the opening of presents, someone starts trouble by wadding up the wrapping paper from a present and throwing it at another person in the room. And then all hell breaks out. My mom used to yell at us for doing it but eventually got in on the fun.

Where all that wrapping paper ended up, I'm not sure. But now, we are doing the right thing by keeping the wrapping paper separate from other things like bows and tape and putting it out in the recycle bin.

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The County of Broome Government Offices has some tips for this Christmas season to reduce holiday waste, and I think it's all a good idea. The first obviously is to recycle non-metallic wrapping paper.

Other ways to reduce holiday waste, when you shop online, you can use an option with some businesses called 'Ship in one box.'  That way, you are saving on multiple shipping containers. But you know what's even better? Shop local. That way, you help out local merchants and save on shipping.

Also, if you send out holiday cards, choose ones that are made from recycled paper, and if you are sending out gifts in the mail, instead of those annoying plastic or styrofoam packing materials, stuff the item in the package with shredded paper.

When Christmas is over if you had a real tree, the County of Broome Government Offices suggests you either mulch it or take it to a drop-off point (there are several ) in Broome County.

For more holiday tips on recycling and saving on waste, visit the Broome County Government website. Happy Holidays!

via County of Broome Government Offices

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