Halloween Could Soon Be The Last Saturday of October
Next year Halloween could be Saturday, October 26. Does that work for you?
A Change.org petition started by the Halloween and Costume Association is pushing to change Halloween to the last Saturday of October, instead of October 31st. They say it's time for a safer, longer, stress-free celebration.
Here are some safety statistics showing Halloween would be safer on the weekend.
- 3,800 Halloween-related injuries each year.
- 82% of parents don’t use high visibility aids on their costume.
- 63% of children don’t carry a flashlight while they are trick-or-treating.
- Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween.
- 65% of parents don’t discuss Halloween safety with their children.
- 70%of parents don’t accompany their children trick-or-treating.
At last check, almost 28 thousand have signed the petition for President Trump.
Not everyone is in favor of the change. Some say if we change Halloween, then what's next? What do you think? Should we make everything more convenient?
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