Axl Rose Felt ‘Lame’ Telling the Crowd He Was Sick
Axl Rose thanked fans for their support, but admitted some embarrassment after telling an audience he was sick during a Guns N’ Roses show in Abu Dhabi on Nov. 25.
He managed to steer the band through a 16-song set, despite dealing with a suspected viral infection. At the start of the show Rose said: “They’ve got me on IVs and a bunch of injections because I got sick today. I’ve been throwing up for about the last five hours. Instead of canceling, we’re going to do the best show we can for you.”
In a series of tweets, Rose added: “Felt lame explainin’ myself earlier on at the gig but really didn’t know how things would play out, n’ we really wanted to do r best 4 the fans. Was a GREAT crowd, awesome venue, cool stage (w/a gentle breeze in the desert!)”
He added, “Wanna thank all the fans, the band n’ every1 4 their concern n’ well wishes! In Johannesburg w/plenty of time 2 b ready 4 the [next] show! This flu or whatever is a wild ride! Comes in waves. Ur ok till ur not! … Thanks again n’ hope any1’s not 2 disappointed n’ we look 4ward 2 see every1 again in the UAE!”
Bandmates Slash and Duff McKagan saluted Rose for his two-hour performance. McKagan said the singer “pulled a damn miracle,” adding “the man was beyond ill, and pulled off something I've never seen in my 40 yrs of playing. You all pulled him thru.”
Guns N’ Roses play Thursday at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa. The only other date on their current schedule is Dec. 8 at the Aloha Stadium, Honolulu.
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