Funniest Elf On The Shelf Photos- Adventures Of Timby The Elf
Have you ever wondered how Santa knows who is naughty and who is nice? Well he's a very busy man, that's why he has a system of elves called “The Elf on the Shelf”. Sometimes Elf On The Shelf can have a lot of fun with your family. Here's the funniest Elf On The Shelf photos.
Each night, after the family goes to bed, the scout elf uses his magical Christmas powers to fly back to the North Pole and make a daily report to Santa. Before the family awakes each morning, their special scout elf will fly back to their home from the North Pole and hide in different spots. For the Sayers family in Sauqouit New York, their elf Timby has been found in all sorts of trouble. Here's the funniest Elf On The Shelf photos.