Flood Driving Saftey Tips
With all the rain many CNY roads are covered in water. What should you do if you encounter this?
The National Weather Service out of Binghamton has issued a flood watch until Saturday at 8 am. We're already experiencing flooding, and we have more rain on the way Thursday and Friday. We need to be especially cautious when we come upon flood covered roadways. The National Weather Service says over half of all flood-related drownings occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood water.
- 6 inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult.
- 12 inches of rushing water will carry away a small car,
- 2 feet of rushing water will carry away most vehicles.
- It's NEVER safe to drive or walk into flood waters.
The phrase 'Turn Around Don't Drown' is used to encourage the public about flood safety. You're never encouraged to drive through flood water but if you have no other alternative then take these precautions from AA.
- Avoid floodwater if there are downed electrical lines in it.
- Let oncoming traffic go first.
- Make sure your headlights are on.
- Drive slow but steady.
- Test your brakes as soon as possible when you're out of the water.
Send us your flood pictures via the Eagle Mobile App.