‘Father of the Bride III’ Rumored to Be Filming in Utica
Many of our Facebook friends have been posting links to another potential big movie being filmed in Utica: Father of the Bride III starring Steve Martin.
Wouldn't it be cool if they shot another feature film here in Utica? It would be especially awesome if it starred big name actors like: Martin Sheen, and Steve Martin.
According to the website kypo6:
It’s been over 20 years since Father of the Bride II was released in theaters and today director Charles Shyer confirmed in an interview that the third installment of the critically acclaimed franchise would begin filming early next year in Utica, New York.
The website also claims that actresses' Diane Keaton and Kimberly Williams-Paisley have agreed to be part of the new movie. The site also alludes to the fact that plot details have not been released, and that this would be the final film in the franchise.
We don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but the the rumors about the feature being filmed in Utica are just that, "rumors." In the "About Us" section of their website it reads:
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