You Can Now Go Extreme Tubing at Lake Placid
Tubing isn't just for winter, and it's not just for the kids anymore. Lake Placid is now offering extreme tubing.
Just check out the video at the top of this page - They weren't kidding when they said "extreme." There are only two places in the entire country that you can experience tubing like this - One in Park City, Utah and the other location is in Lake Placid. Lake Placid like to boost they were the first ones to offer this, however.
Extreme tubing will have you reaching speeds over 50 miles per hour in just a matter of seconds - Which will give you a thrill like no other.
And it's not expensive to enjoy this 'unique' way of tubing, either. According to NewsChannel 5, it's only $35 for adults to take three trips down and for kids twelve and under it's unlimited runs for $10, Wednesday through Sunday (from 3pm - 6pm).
So the next time you're traveling to (or through) Lake Placid, this is a stop you're definitely going to want to make.
You can get more details by checking out their website here.
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