DWI Policy Changes In New York State For 2023
Are you ready for the new year to get here? Perhaps 2022 has not been the bets for you or has brought you the good things that you had hoped for over 300 days ago? The good news is that there will be a new year coming in just days and 2023 may offer the blessings you have been waiting for.
But as we get ready for the ball to drop in Times Square to ring in 2023, Governor Hochul has a reminder that you should have a safe plan to get home after you celebrate the end of the year and new beginnings for the next.
The Governor's Traffic Safety Committee has announced a new anti-drinking and driving public service announcement will air over the next few weeks. And, the GTSC is teaming up with restaurants to distribute stickers with safe driving messaging on them that can be put on beverages. STOP-DWI patrols will also begin on December 15th and run until January 1st.
2023 will bring about new laws and the first step toward a more energy efficient and "greener" New York State. Some are already planning ahead and are looking to buy electric powered vehicles. New York state is also going to make it mandatory that all new buildings will have to be heated by electric power; not natural gas or fossil fuels and soon all appliances must also be electric powered.