Doctoring a New York State Car Inspection Sticker Could Land You in Jail
I'll admit it, I've done this....
Now before you start yelling at me that its against the law to do anything like this hear me out. Depending on how long you've been driving, and how long you've had your own car will depend on if you've had the same thoughts as me.
Thinking back to my first car or two, they weren't in very good shape, and every year when it came time to get it inspected I would get super nervous because all of my cars were border line "death traps". I knew that as soon as the inspection started I was in for a big fat bill to get the car to pass inspection. That feeling is why I think every year I would look at the expiring sticker and see if there was a way to make the hole punch a different month that it actually was.
If you've ever thought about messing with, or trying to change your stickers, don't because you could wind up like this guy form Middleburgh, New York. According to News 10, 28 year-old Robert Diamond, was pulled over by New York State Troopers on Saturday and after troopers ran his information they discovered that his car inspection date didn't match up with the official DMV records.
After investigation, troopers determined that the sticker on his car was a forgery. Diamond was taken into custody and charged with the felony, Possession of a Forged Instrument in the 2nd-degree. He was released with an appearance ticket and is due back in court at a later date.
How Does A New York State Inspection Sticker Work and How Do They Look
The stickers all have a new color every year, and after your car passes inspection the inspection place is supposed to hole punch the month that it passed and once its done, the inspection is good for a full year.
Back to my earlier criminal years...LOL! One year in the early 90's, I knew that my car wasn't going to pass its yearly inspection, and lucky for me the new year color of the sticker was red, so what did I do? I went to the store and bought a pack of Marlboro Red's and put them in the spot on my dashboard where the sticker would go so that if a police officer drove past me the other way, the would see the red color and not pull me over. Believe it or not I drove around like that for 3 months and never got caught...SHHH don't tell anyone....LOL!