Couple Has Seen ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ 24 Times
With Bohemian Rhapsody heading into the Academy Awards this weekend, we're reminded of its popularity with moviegoers. Like the couple that's seen the Queen biopic 24 times. And here's the kicker: They didn't consider themselves to be big fans of the band until they saw the movie.
After Karin Dicker and Steven Sarott, who are both 71 and have been married 22 years, saw the movie on Halloween, they decided to see it again. And again. They've since returned to the theater at least once a week, even though they bought the DVD the day it was released, reports the Los Angeles Times.
"It’s just that this movie has helped us get through some sad times," Dicker said. "It suspends reality." Sarott agreed, calling it "two hours of freedom. ... Seeing it is an experience. Watching that Live Aid concert, it’s so exhilarating, I still get moved to tears."
The scenes dealing with Freddie Mercury's declining health particularly resonated with the couple. Sarott was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia six years ago and had been in remission until last summer; Dicker has twice survived cancer battles. As Sarott put it, they've been able to see what they've personally been through reflected back at them onscreen.
"I like how they used 'Who Wants to Live Forever' when he’s going to the hospital," he said. "It sets the perfect mood. ... I wondered if Freddie felt the same as I did when the doctor gave him the news that you’re not immortal anymore and the body clock is counting down with a limited amount of ticks left."
"This movie takes us away from reality just long enough," Dicker added. "And it goes by so fast."
Naturally, they're pulling for the movie to triumph at the Academy Awards, where it's nominated in five categories. They's especially hoping Rami Malek wins the Best Actor Oscar. "I’m telling you, he’s just like my kid," Dicker said. "When he wins awards, I am so proud of him. He’s my Freddie Mercury."
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