Clifton Park Girl Throws A Bottle In The Ocean And Gets A New Friend
In the days when social media, Zoom meetings, Snapchat, and texting is how most people stay in touch, it's nice to know some of the old fashioned ways still work. Like sending a message in a bottle....yes, a message in a bottle. That's exactly what 11-year-old Sofia Wilson from Clifton Park did and she got a new friend out of the bottle's 725-mile adventure.
Sophia was vacationing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in May when she had the idea of throwing a message in a bottle into the ocean to see if anyone would get it. About 10 days later the bottle was found by another 11-year- old in Holden Beach, North Carolina some 725 miles away.
I remember being on vacation in Florida when I was in Jr. High and I did the message in a bottle thing and never heard from anyone. So these two young ladies are pretty lucky. I remember waiting for months, checking the mailbox every day for a response that never came. That bottle is probably in a whale's stomach now...I guess I should feel bad about that.
Sophia Wilson from Clifton Park and Sarah Beth who actually lives in Ft. Lauderdale, but was visiting family in North Carolina are now becoming fast friends all do to that message in a bottle. According to the article in the Times Union, the girls were excited to find out they were the same age, share the same initials and both have blond hair. Since finding the bottle on the beach they have been texting almost every day.

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