Christmas Miracle In CNY: Senior Dog Finds Home After 1,148 Days At Shelter
This is a dream come true! Carl has found his forever home after spending three-plus years at the Stevens-Swan Humane Society (SSHS).
We want to thank Barb Mazzotta and her family for welcoming Carl into their family with open arms!
SSHS staff loved Carl. He was quiet, well behaved, but never experienced a normal healthy life.
He was in poor condition when he came to us and has now spent nearly 3 years living in the shelter. His tail has never wagged much, he has always seemed kind of depressed. As much as we try to keep him happy and show him love every day, it’s just not the same as having his own home and family...We have tried many times over the years to find Carl a home and have had no such luck. At this point, we have no idea how much longer Carl has on this earth. We want him to be able to have his own family and have their full attention and love for the rest of his days, however long that may be. [Stevens Swan Humane Society]
We hope his new home with the Mazzotta family will perk him up and get him moving again. We are so happy he can live out the rest of his life being pampered, spoiled, and the center of attention.
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