Cazenovia Rain Makes A Bands Worst Nightmare Come True
It's the day you've been dreaming of since you were a little girl. Your Wedding Day. The outdoor reception is beautiful at the Brewster Inn in Cazenovia and the Letizia and the Z- Band is ready to play. But wait, did someone say queue the rain?
Letizia and the Z-Band were hoping the rain would hold off during the wedding reception at the Brewster Inn in Cazenovia on Saturday, July 2. It turns out it would take a lot more than hope. With flooding and three confirmed tornadoes in CNY, why not throw in a microburst too?
I turned around, and it happened in a split second there it was - I don't even know how to describe it - the wind, the rain, it just kinda whooshed us.
Letizia tells us that they were about three songs into the reception when the drummer, John Mangicaro, tried to get her attention because he noticed it was raining sideways. "I turned around, and it happened in a split second there it was - I don't even know how to describe it - the wind, the rain, it just kinda whooshed us."
the bride didn't complain, she didn't shed a tear, she was incredible
All the band's equipment was completely drenched; even the drums were full of water but, believe it or not, all the equipment not only survived but dried out and was used at a wedding the next day. Seems impossible after watching the video.
Letizia says "the bride didn't complain, she didn't shed a tear, she was incredible." Huge trees were also ripped up by their roots in the parking lot and totaled a brand new Jeep and damaged other cars. The groom and his military buddies got the tree off the Jeep as fast as they could because they didn't know if it was occupied or not. Thankfully it was empty.
The wedding reception was not all lost. Who needs electricity and drums to have a good time? Letizia and the Z-Band came through in the end by singing an acoustic version of Sweet Caroline for the father-daughter dance. And wouldn't ya know, the sun came out.
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