
Quality of Life A Factor: 4 NY Cities 100 Best To Live In U.S.
Quality of Life A Factor: 4 NY Cities 100 Best To Live In U.S.
Quality of Life A Factor: 4 NY Cities 100 Best To Live In U.S.
Have you ever wondered how cities in New York rank regarding the best places to live? A new survey is out from US News & World Report that lists the country's Top 150 Best Places to Live. Four cities in Upstate New York finished in the Top 100 and one of those landed in the Top 50.
73 of the Best Halloween Costumes in Central New York
73 of the Best Halloween Costumes in Central New York
73 of the Best Halloween Costumes in Central New York
Another Halloween has come and gone and this one was one for the record books. Temperatures were near 80 degrees in Central New York for October 31. Not typically for this time of year when we're use to colder weather and sometimes trick or treating in the snow...

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