Can You Get A Ticket For ‘Dodging Potholes’ In CNY?
Think twice before driving around those potholes; it could cost you the same as hitting one.
Swerving just a little to avoid potholes, roadkill, running critters, and or anything else could get you a ticket. Police can pull you over when they believe you've done something wrong. An officer witnessing you swerving could be reason enough to pull you over for a violation – or to check if you're drunk or texting.
Swerving is a violation in itself even though you may be trying to avoid an accident. It is defined as a movement wherein vehicles shift from a lane to another. However, it can constitute the offense of reckless driving if it is done without precautions (e.g., swerving in an abrupt and careless manner, swerving without the use of signals, swerving across solid lines).
Oneida County Sheriff Rob Maciol tells us:
It would only be illegal if you crossed the line in a no passing zone, caused an accident, etc. Merely dodging a pothole would not be illegal if no other laws were broken.
Local Syr reports on an Ohio woman who was 'dumbfounded' with her ticket that read, "left of center, dodging potholes, vehicle opposite direction."
The City of Utica DPW spends about $60,000 to $80,000 annually on materials to fix potholes and are asking the community to use the 311 app to report any potholes so they can get fixed immediately.
Rome DPW is also out fixing potholes that residents have reported.
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