Can Oneida County Handle Woodstock 50?
Do we have the workforce and accommodations for Woodstock 50 at Vernon Downs?
There are other events that weekend that has gone through the proper planning and procedures required. Would the Madison-Bouckville Antiques Show and the Woodsmen's Field Days suffer because of the last minute Woodstock 50 concert?
WIBX reports that County Executive, Anthony J. Picente, Jr. as saying:
we have been asked to prepare in just days what has failed to get done in over a year of negotiations and preparations at the previous location.
It does seem like a tall order from Oneida County. WIBX also reports that County officials have been in touch with the personnel from Vernon Downs and Woodstock 50 and they're reaching out to all of their partners in government to review plans and procedures for the
Picente says with such a short timeframe, the logistical hurdles to ensure the public health and safety of the concert goers and the surrounding community could pose a significant challenge.
Vernon Downs is one of several sites in the running the host Woodstock 50 August 16th to the 18th.
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