Bill Awaiting Vote To Allow Pets To Be Showcased For Adoption at Pet Stores
As you may know, a bill was passed last year to work toward putting an end to puppy mills in New York. This bill provides even further progress.
Last year the bill S. 4234-A, also known as the "New York Puppy Pipeline Bill" was put into effect. That bill essentially put an end to the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits at pet stores in the state of New York according to the ASPCA. A bill that many have seen as a major positive as it does make it critically difficult for a puppy mill to then operate.
The above bill is being added to now in a way that will allow pets up for adoption to become showcased at retail stores like Petsmart. This will hurt the puppy mill industry even further as now when a person is to walk into a pet store, they will see pets who desperately need a home.
The new bill according to the NY Senate reads,
Senate Bill S1130 - Prohibits the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits by retail pet shops; authorizes space for adoption. - NYSenate.gov
So the cut and short is, puppy mills will continue struggling to operate within the state of New York and adoptions would then have the potential to become more prevalent should the bill be passed into law.
You also can visit here to share your opinion with your New York senator about this very bill. This bill is being sponsored by Michael Gianaris who introduced the initial bill as well.