A New Partnership Emerges – ‘Ben and Jerry’s’ Ice Cream and Beer
If you were never a beer fan before, this might just change your mind. The 'Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream' company has teamed up with a brewery to create some delicious combinations. It's not all about the beer either, both companies are big in environment awareness, and plan to work together with that focus in mind as well.
New Belgium Brewing (the brewery known for "Fat Tire") has announced a partnership with Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream to create some new flavors of beer, and to raise awareness on environment issues. The brewing company has developed a "Salted Caramel Brownie" beer that will be available this fall. But that's just the start of this partnership.
Both companies are known as B Corporations, which means they are held to high standards on how they effect the environment and the people around them. Senior Global Marketing Manager of Ben & Jerry's, Jay Curley is excited to bring the two companies together. According to brewbound.com,
“We’re big fans of New Belgium Brewery, their values, and their fun culture, and of course their beer” said Jay Curley...
“We’re excited for the campaign we’ve developed together. When two B Corps collaborate our fans can expect something both delicious and impactful,”
More details on the partnership is still in the works, though. Another announcement is expected later this year. But in the meantime, we can all get excited for some "Salted Caramel Brownie" beer. We'll just have to wait and see what else comes from these two companies working together!