Keith James

Waddya Mean Being Skinny Is Worse Than Being Obese?
In a society that is absolutely consumed with image and it’s collective waistline (me included) this comes as a complete shock, because how in the world can skinniness be anywhere near as harmful much less more harmful than being overweight? Well, recent findings are saying that this is the truth but is this similar to when they tell us that eggs are healthy one week and then the next week they’re

50 Shades of Grey Knocked Off The #1 Spot By Navy Seal Tell-All "No Easy Day"
The interesting thing is not that ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ debuted at #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List and spent the last 25 weeks at the top of the hill with the other two books of the trilogy at #2 and#3 respectively for just about as long. Nor is it interesting really that it was knocked off the list at all because it had to get dethroned some day right?

Forget Redbull… Listening Music At Work Can Make You A Super Worker!
If that pot of coffee isn’t phasing you and you just can’t seem to get through your to-do list for the day, turn on you’re favorite radio station (ahem, US) and let us give you that infusion of inspiration that can get you over that brain-block wall that you’re staring at.

Random Driving Pet Peeves From A Confessed Crazy Driver
I'm not exactly the most qualified person to write on this but thought you'd get a kick out of a few driving pet-peeves from a driver who is usually the one getting yelled at.
![Solving The Rubik’s Cube… Easier Than You Thought! [Video]](
Solving The Rubik’s Cube… Easier Than You Thought! [Video]
I’ve always been attracted to puzzles (both real and figurative) and typically don’t like reading the directions first… So, naturally I decided to pick up a Rubik’s cube and see if my crazy mind could conquer it. Much to my dismay, after solving a side or two I would have to mess up my solved sides in order to solve another one! So I finally gave up and started looking for help. What I found was b

Screen Addiction or Just Having Fun?
It never fails, my kids wake up and the very FIRST thing on their minds, or rather the first three things they wanna do even while wiping the sleep from their eyes are video games, surfing on the computer or popping in a movie! We’re supposed to say no to drugs but are these screens a drug too? After all it’s the perfect babysitter, right?

The Mystery of Yawning And Why It’s So Darn Catching!
Tell me I’m not the only one who yawned just looking at this picture! In fact I’ve yawned several times just THINKING about writing this and even something as simple as typing or reading the word does it to me! Excuse me while I do it AGAIN… Why IS that?!?

Do Companies Actually Design Stuff… To Break?
Ever notice that your car starts really breaking down a year or two before your lease is fulfilled, or how about the fact that your cellphone always seems to go haywire JUST after your warrantee is up and long before your contract runs out? I doubt it’s just complete accident and one possible explanation is something called planned obsolescence…
![5 Guys + 1 Piano + One Direction’s ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ = Mind Blown! [VIDEO]](
5 Guys + 1 Piano + One Direction’s ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ = Mind Blown! [VIDEO]
No, I’m not referring to the Five Guys burger joint on Commercial Drive (which is awesome by the way), but if you have an appreciation for the piano, are attracted to innovative ideas and love listening to the music on this station, then click that ‘Read More’ button and see what all three of those are like combined!
![Lip-syncing, Ethics Issue Or Necessity? [VIDEO]](
Lip-syncing, Ethics Issue Or Necessity? [VIDEO]
“Girl you know it’s… girl you know it’s… girl you know it’s… girl you know it’s…” Those words (when followed by ‘true’) spelled a Grammy and a handful of AMA’s for Milli Vanilli as they skyrocketed to the top, but no sooner did they hit their apex than those very words spelled their demise when they’re backing track skipped like crazy.
They weren’t the first to incorporate lip-syncing into their l

Debate: The U.S. Penny… Obsolete?
Many of us when breaking a dollar end up discarding our spare change into a jar at home and forgetting about it, or generously plunking it into the many charity drop-boxes including that iconic red Salvation Army kettle. But out of all of the coins that have been circulating for centuries, is Benjamin Franklin’s penny actually ready for retirement?

The Lane You’re In Is Always The Slowest!
Can you relate? It never fails and usually seems to happen right when you’re in a huge hurry and everything is riding on your ability to be timely. Is Murphy’s Law ringing true again or is there something more to the lane debacle?