The ‘Anchorman 2′ Trailer is Here!
If you were one of the people who saw ‘The Dictator’ in theaters this weekend, you’ve already seen the brand new teaser trailer for ‘Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.’ But considering ‘The Dictator’ didn’t exactly light up the box-office, you’re probably one of the millions who has yet to see the ‘Anchorman 2′ trailer. Well, good news, it’s officially online now for your viewing enjoyment!
Even better? This isn’t the version that screened with ‘The Dictator’ and features all new footage (and the return of narrator Bill Curtis). The theatrical version likely had too much jeans creaming talk and a new version was cut. [UPDATE: The version that ran with 'The Dictator' is now online and we've included it below! Two 'Anchorman 2' trailers for the price of one!] It’s essentially the same set up though – everyone makes a bold proclamation about their return…except for Brick. Sweet Brick, who’s having trouble putting a thought together.
It’s not much but it’s enough to get us all excited for the return of Ron Burgundy and the Channel 4 news team. The script hasn’t been written yet and we have no idea where the sequel will take us, but we know it will be glorious. There will be flutes playing and trombones and flowers and garlands of fresh herbs. And we will dance till the sun rises. And you won’t be invited! Scratch that, you most definitely will be invited.
We don’t want to giveaway any of the trailer’s gags or best lines so just watch the ‘Anchorman 2′ trailer below and start getting excited now.
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