Aldi Advent Calendars are Stocked in Utica, Rome and Around CNY
Aldi has over 20 varieties of advent calendars that feature everything from coffee, candles, cheese, and candy to beauty supplies and treats for the pets! Prices range from a few dollars to $69.99.
Advent calendars are a fun way to count down the days from Dec. 1 to Christmas with little surprises. Most of the Aldi Advent calendars start on Dec. 1, but some start on Dec. 14.
In September, Aldi dubbed the first Wednesday in September November as 'National Advent Calendar Day.'
The Aldi Advent calendars sell out FAST. We hope you are on your way if you're looking to score some for yourself or to give as gifts. There are many varieties this year, as you'll see in the gallery below.
Unfortunately, the 2020 alcohol-themed Advent calendars will not be available in New York stores as they do not normally sell alcohol. Some of the Advent calendars are limited to 2 per customer. Aldi has already issued an apology for the calenders being out of stock! LOL.
We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and encourage customers to check out one of our other varieties of Advent calendars available. [Aldi]
Advent calendars have really evolved over the years. It started with a small piece of candy or a cheap toy to 24 pieces of jewelry from Tiffany's. Their 2019 Advent calendar cost a hefty $112,000. Wonder who the lucky lady was...

Aldi Advent Calendar Selection for 2020