5 Great Things To Do To Your House This Spring
There are at least hundreds of things to do to your house this Spring. Here are the top five that come to mind and pass them along.
Clean out your gutters.
There is probably enough stuck in your gutter to keep you busy for a couple of hours depending on the size of your house. you'll save yourself a bunch of headaches.
Clean and get your window air conditioners
Getting ready for the hot weather that is sure to be coming in Jul/Aug. clean the filters and grates for the insects that had been living inside over the winter.
Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
You should have at least one of each. Replace all of the batteries, you can never have too many in your house.
Re-stain and seal your wood deck.
That deck that you paid a pretty penny for will be in need of staining after the long cold and snowy winter we had this year.
Have a garage sale
Get rid of all the junk you've been thinking you'll need or might need in the coming summer.