315 Truck Takeover Taking Place September 29th
Coming up at the Utica Rome Speedway you'll find the 315 Truck Takeover. It's the last party of the year for the 315 truck meet.
This event will be held on September 29th from 10AM - 5PM. It's open to all Truck and Jeep owners.
Whether lifted, lowered, gas, diesel, stock, mild or wild bring it out to showcase in one or several of the days events. Day passes are also available to come out as a spectator. There will be Food and and Drinks available on site along with a row of industry specific vendors showing casing their products and services. This is a great way to meet and interact with people that share the same passion for Trucks and Jeeps that you do and catch some of the high HP action on the track and Dyno."
You can register online now.
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