2020 ‘Wheelie The Cat’ Calendar Now Available In CNY
Wheelie, the paralyzed kitten living at the Clinton Pet Vet Rescue and Sanctuary, has his own calendar! Get yours and help with his medical costs.
The Wheelie 2020 calendars are $20 each and available at Clinton Pet Vet Rescue and Sanctuary, 86 Meadow Street in Clinton.
Mare Clarey, Director of Operations at CPV Rescue, tells us his Wheelie's paralysis may have happened by someone sitting on him or pulling his tail when he was younger.
Wheelie doesn't know that he's different from the other kittens. He's very spunky and can get around without his wheelchair but currently has no control over his hind legs.
Wheelie is gaining more and more mobility every day with his therapy at Clinton Pet Vet. He can't control his bodily functions, so he must wear a diaper. He gets a bath every morning, and he meows the whole time. Because of his paralysis, he has urinary issues, so he's on a special prescription diet.
Westmoreland Central School and MVCC Fab Lab are making Wheelie a wheelchair to help gain more strength and mobility. Right now, he is using one that was purchased off Amazon that he is outgrowing very fast.
There's still hope that Wheelie will recover from his paralysis, but until then, monetary donations are desperately needed. You can visit Wheelie at the Clinton Pet Vet Rescue and Sanctuary, 86 Meadow Street in Clinton. They're open Tuesday -Saturday 9:30 - 1 and Sunday 9:30 - 12 noon. You can donate via PayPal @ paypal.me/CPVsanctuary
CPV Rescue and Sanctuary is a no-kill shelter that relies on the generosity of caring individuals to help care for the lost, neglected, abused, and abandoned animals of the Mohawk Valley and beyond. All donations will help to assist animals in need. Your contribution will go 100% towards animal care and the daily cost of operating our facility.
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