20 Lowest Paying Jobs In The Utica/Rome New York Area and What They Pay
Depending on your current employment goals, these may be jobs to avoid in the Utica/Rome area of New York State.
The time we live in right now is being called "The Great Resignation." Why? Many businesses have found themselves short-handed and adding positions left and right. The pandemic disrupted our workforce in a way we've never experienced before and gave people the time to reflect on just how much the job they were working, and if it really fit their needs. Some discovered that they really enjoyed the flexibility remote work gave them, while others took a serious look at their finances.

You may be in the job market right now. Are you looking for some of the best paying jobs? The website USA Wage used data published by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and took a look at the Top 100 highest paying jobs in our region. Results found that the highest paying profession in America right now is family medicine physician with an average annual salary of $207,380. The second highest paying job is family and general practitioners with an average salary $201,100. What about our region of Central New York and the Mohawk Valley? General Dentists ranked number one in our region with an entry level salary of $113,990, with the average salary at $166,380. You can read more on the top jobs online here.
So, which jobs in the Utica and Rome really do pay the least? We dove into the latest statistics available from the New York Department of Labor to find out. These numbers reflect the Utica-Rome metro. Here's a look at the lowest paying jobs in our region, and what they actually pay.